Protocolo 41 - page 24

Murillo explicó que será seleccionado un grupo de entidades para dotarlas
de autonomía y facultades —como en su objeto social y la aprobación de
precios— en aras de eliminar mecanismos que frenan el desarrollo de las
fuerzas productivas.
Además, informó sobre la creación de manera experimental de cooperativas
fuera del sector agropecuario, extendiendo esa forma de gestión no estatal
a 222 actividades económicas, entre ellas la gastronomía y los servicios.
El funcionario también destacó la proyección estratégica 2012-2015 para im-
plementar en la isla los lineamientos destinados a la actualización económica.
(Fuente: Prensa Latina)
According to Raúl Castro, his country has entered into a higher
qualitatively stage of economic renovation, set by the guidelines that
emerged from the Sixth Party Congress, held in April 2011.
In that regard, he mentioned the removal of old prohibitions and
a further relaxation of self-employment, as they define the private
sector in Cuba, one of the hallmarks of the ongoing transformations
in the island.
The Vice President of the Council of Ministers, Marino Murillo,
reiterated that the socialist state entreprise, is still the most impor-
tant link of the Cuban economy and represents the cornerstone of
its upgrade.
Murillo himself provided fresh information to the deputies on the
progress of the economic update, and announced the measures to
be taken in order to increase efficiency and productivity in the Ca-
ribbean country.
According to vice president and head of the commission responsible
for implementing the guidelines of the Sixth Party Congress, there
are planned experiments aimed at boosting the management of the
socilist state-owned entreprises.
Murillo announced that a group of entities will be selected in order
to give them autonomy and power -as in its corporate and approval
of price-mechanisms-, to eliminate the existing obstacles to the deve-
lopment of the productive forces.
He also informed the about the creation of experimental non-agri-
cultural cooperatives, thereby extending this type of non-state ma-
nagement to 222 economic activities, including food and services.
The government official highlighted the strategic projection for the
period 2012-2015, when the guidelines designed to upgrade the
island´s economy will be implemented.
(Source: Prensa Latina)
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