Protocolo 41 - page 19

También señaló que cuentan con una ley que
regula la inversión extranjera, orientada a la
búsqueda de nuevos mercados exteriores,
tecnologías competitivas y financiamiento,
fundamentalmente a largo plazo. Y destacó
que Cuba tiene suscritos acuerdos de Pro-
moción y Protección Recíproca de Inversio-
nes con 36 países, incluido México.
—¿Actualmente cuántas compañías mexi-
canas tienen inversiones en Cuba?
—Son pocas y sus inversiones todavía son
pequeñas, pero hay un creciente interés de
empresas mexicanas, algunas de ellas muy
grandes e importantes, por invertir en mi país.
Sin embargo no debo mencionarlas, porque
en virtud de las regulaciones del bloqueo im-
puesto por Estados Unidos, pudieran sufrir
presiones, represalias y hasta sanciones por
parte del gobierno de ese país.
Las cifras disponibles más recientes del
intercambio comercial entre Cuba y Méxi-
co indican que al finalizar el año 2010 éste
alcanzó la cantidad de 380.55 millones de
dólares, lo que representó un crecimiento de
un 38.7 por ciento con relación a la cifra re-
gistrada al finalizar 2006. En 2011 se estima
que ese intercambio superó los 400 millones
de dólares, pero aún no se dispone de las
cifras oficiales.
Para incrementar el comercio y los negocios
entre Cuba y México, el embajador Aguile-
ra de la Paz enfatizó que es necesario que
Estados Unidos cese el bloqueo económi-
co, comercial y financiero contra su país, el
cual encarece y dificulta extraordinariamente
las relaciones económicas y comerciales de
Cuba con el resto del mundo. Pero indicó que
mientras eso no ocurra, sería conveniente un
mayor apoyo, especialmente financiero, de
las autoridades mexicanas a los empresarios
interesados en hacer negocios con Cuba, lo
que les permitiría competir en igualdad de
condiciones con los empresarios de otros
países de América Latina y el Caribe que
cuentan con mayores facilidades y protección
otorgadas por sus respectivos gobiernos.
25 mil cubanos radican
actualmente en México
-We hope that the relations between the two governments will continue to
improve and strengthen, as it is the desire of our peoples. We also hope to
expand trade and economic and investment cooperation.
In response to the question asked to the Cuban official regarding the be-
nefits offered by his country to foreign investors, he said that among the
main attractions is that it is a stable, peaceful and secure country, with
a population highly and profesionally educated, and with health and
social welfare. “So we have highly skilled human resources able to quickly
assimilate new technologies. Additionally, our country has a privileged
location in the center of a growing market and major trade routes”.
He also noted that there is a law which regulates foreign investment,
aimed at finding new foreign markets, competitive technologies and fi-
nancing, primarily in the long term. He added that Cuba has signed
agreements for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investment
with 36 countries, including Mexico.
-Currently, how many Mexican companies have investments in Cuba?
-There are a few and investments are still small, but there is a growing
interest in Mexican companies, some of them very large and important
and that are ready to invest in my country. I should mention, however,
that because under the regulations of the blockade imposed by the United
States, they could be a target for pressure, and even sanctions reprisals by
the government of that country.
The latest available figures of trade between Cuba and Mexico indicate
that at the end of 2010 it reached the amount of $ 380.55 million dollars,
representing an increase of 38.7 percent compared to that recorded at the
end of 2006. In 2011 it is estimated that this trade will exceeded $ 400
million, but still there are no official figures available.
To increase trade and business between Cuba and Mexico, Ambassa-
dor Aguilera de la Paz emphasized the need to end the U.S. economic,
commercial and financial embargo against his country, which increa-
ses the expenses and represents an extremely heavy burden for Cuba’s
economic and trade relations with the rest of the world. He said that
until this happens, it would be be very important that the Mexican
authorities offered more financial support to entrepreneurs interested
in doing business with Cuba, allowing them to compete on equal con-
ditions with other businessmen from Latin American and Caribbean
countries, which have better amenities and protection granted by their
respective governments.
Roughly 25,000 Cubans
reside in Mexico today
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