Protocolo 37 - page 23

Orgulloso, aseguró que con todas estas acciones han aumentado en
2000 por ciento la capacitación, “esto sin duda es importante porque
definitivamente tieneque impactar en la formade la atenciónmédica”,
aseveró el doctor Navarro.
Asimismo resaltóel hechodequehanpodidoconseguir recursospara
construir edificios nuevos dentro del complejo del Hospital General de
México. “Tengo yados edificios autorizados y estánpor autorizarme el
tercero. En estemomento estamos terminando el área de oncología.
Conestosedificios iniciaremos laverticalizacióndel hospital que, dicho
sea de paso, en la primera junta de gobierno queme tocó enmarzo
de 2009me pidieron que hiciera un planmaestro de obra y ese plan
maestro lo terminé de hacer en junio y en este momento ya se ve
claramente cómo el hospital se va construyendo por etapas y se van
sustituyendo edificios chaparritos u horizontales por torres, y lo más
importante, sin dejar de operar el hospital.”
Otro proyecto en el cual trabaja el doctor Francisco Navarro es el
denominado Hospital General de México TV y Hospital General de
MéxicoRadio, cuyoobjetivoconsisteenmantenerseencomunicación
con la comunidad, a través de estos medios electrónicos masivos, e
impartirleeducaciónpara la salud, prevención yde impactoenel estilo
de vida de la gente que acude a este hospital, así como para quienes
no utilizan estos servicios.
Consideróquemuchas instituciones se hanquedado “cortas” en este
sentido y “conesteproyectoestoyconvencidoqueel Hospital General
de México será una vez más innovador, como lo hemos sido en los
proyectos anteriormentemencionados”.
Formador de recursos humanos para la salud, el Hospital General de
México siempre ha mantenido estrechos lazos de cooperación con
las principales instituciones educativas de México, como la UNAM, a
través de la Facultad deMedicina, ymás recientemente con el IPN, y
otras universidades como laAnáhuac y LaSalle, esta últimadedonde
el doctor NavarroReynoso es egresadode la carrera demedicina.
With great pride, doctor Navarro assured that with all these actions,
the training program has increased in 2000 percent. “This is certainly
important because it has to have an impact in the way health’s care is
given," he said.
He also emphasized the fact that they have been able to get resources to
build new buildings within the compound of General Hospital ofMexico.
"I have already two authorized and a third one inwaiting for approval.
At themoment, we are finishing the oncology area. With these buildings
wewill start the hospital’s verticality, which incidentally, at the first gov-
ernmentmeeting of that I had inMarch2009, Iwas asked todoamaster
plan for this buildingwork, which I finished last June. Right now one can
see clearly how the hospital is being constructed in stages and the smaller
buildings are being replaced by towers; but most importantly is the fact
that the hospital continues to operate as usual”.
Another project inwhichDr. FranciscoNavarroworks is called theGen-
eralHospital ofMexicoTVandRadioGeneralHospital ofMexico, whose
aim is to keep in touchwith the community, through the electronicmass-
media, and to convey health education, prevention and impact on peo-
ple’s the lifestylewho come to this hospital, aswell as for thosewho donot
use these services.
He expressed that from his point of view, many institutions are in this
sense "short", and "with this project I am convinced that the General
Hospital of Mexico will once again be innovative, as we have been in
previouslymentioned projects”.
In creating human resources dedicated to health, the General Hospital
of Mexico has always maintained close ties and cooperation with lead-
ing educational institutions in Mexico, such as the UNAM, through
the Faculty of Medicine, and more recently with the IPN, and other
universities as theAnahuac andLaSalle, the latter beingDr.Navarro’s
He said theGeneralHospital ofMexicohas always beenan emblem insti-
tution for the Federal Ministry of Health, both because of the number of
patients treated each year in all specialties, as well as its important role
as an institution which prepares human resources for health. "A lot of
people come here to receive courses, internships and to practice, and very
soonwewill openwithin thepremises of thehospital's adegree innursing
from the UNAM, something that will probably become an imprint in the
currentmanagement of GHM."
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