Protocolo 37 - page 33

La convicción de otorgar apoyo a los pacientes del Hospital General
deMéxico (HGM), tantoenel aspectoemocional y afectivocomoenel
económico, y procurarles un ambientemás cálido y llevadero durante
su estancia en el hospital, es lamisión del Voluntariadodel HGM.
“Nuestro gran recurso es el hospital y su gente, que es de gran valor
para poder cumplir nuestra función”, señaló en entrevista con
Carolina Silva deNavarro, presidenta del Voluntariado del Hospi-
tal General deMéxico.
La licenciadaenadministracióndeempresasaclaróquedurantemuchos
años el nosocomio se ha sostenido gracias al apoyo del voluntariado.
“El grupo de voluntarios tiene una alta capacidad de respuesta a las
necesidades de los pacientes, a través de una organización compro-
metida que no sólo busca el beneficio personal o del paciente, sino
de todo el hospital en su conjunto, yendo de lamano de la Dirección
General en este proyectode lograr ser un hospital de vanguardia.”
Entrevista conCarolinaSilva deNavarro, presidenta del Voluntariado del HGM
The conviction of providing support to the General Hospital of Mexico
(GHM) patients, as much as in the emotional, loving and financial as-
pects,andat the same timeoffer themawarmand livableenvironmentdur-
ing their stay in the hospital, is themission of theVolunteers of theGHM.
"Our greatest resource is the hospital and its people, which are of great
value in order to fulfill our role," she said in an interviewwith PROTO-
COLO. Carolina SilvaNavarro, president of Volunteers of the General
Hospital of Mexico. With a degree in business administration, SilvaNa-
varromade it clear that for many years the hospital was sustained with
the support of the volunteers.
"The volunteer group has a high capacity to respond to the needs of the
patients through a committed organizationwhich not only seeks its own
personal or the patient’s benefits, but the hospital’s as a whole, walk-
ing hand in hand with the General Management on the project that
wants to achieve the goal of becoming one of the leading hospitals”.
Emotional, lovingandeconomicsupport
InterviewwithCarolinaSilvaNavarro, president of theGHMVolunteers
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