Protocolo 37 - page 25

Al ser la innovaciónunode los retospermanentesenel HospitalGeneral
de México, su director general señaló que otro proyecto que tienen
contemplado concretar es el obtener el certificadoque otorga el Con-
sejo de Salubridad General el cual acreditará al nosocomio como un
“Hospital Seguro”. Este concepto, explicó el doctor Navarro, es un
proyecto de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y la Orga-
nización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) para que un hospital tenga
la posibilidad de seguir trabajando después de una emergencia o de-
sastrenatural en laciudado zonas conurbadas, por ejemplo, luegode
un sismo, inundación, incendio. “Esto brinda la posibilidad de que los
heridos por dicho incidente y que no pueden ser atendidos en otros
nosocomios por estar afectados por el desastre, puedan recibir aten-
ción en el ‘Hospital Seguro’”.
Detalló que una parte de este proyecto fue puesta en marcha con la
epidemia de influenza H1N1 ocurrida el año pasado en México. “El
objetivo es que el HGM amplíe su capacidad de recibir a pacientes
de terapia intensiva, además de las 58 camas con que actualmente
cuenta, para tener posibilidades de atender hasta a 100 personas en
estaárea, locual nosdaríaunacapacidadmuy importantepara recibir
enfermosmuy graves.”
Además señaló que actualmente el hospital ya cuenta con la capaci-
dad de aislar y recibir, en caso de una emergencia sanitaria, a pa-
cientes con influenza o una situación similar.
Todo el personal diplomáticode la
EmbajadadeCoreadelNorte seatiende
en elHospitalGeneral deMéxico
of 350 surgeriesareperformed everyweek, and every year thereareabout
42 000 surgeries among all specialties.
The general director stressed again the fact that within the premises of
the GHM, general practitioners and specialists are formed, the hospital
receives829 thousandundergraduate studentsand628 residents, of those
32 are foreigners, besides one thousand 624 nursing students and stu-
dents of related health professions.
In the technology and research fields, Dr. Navarro referred to the fact
that currently within the GHM, five patents are being developed, one of
which they expect to be in the market very soon, developed by Mexican
researchers workingwithin the hospital. He explained it is a special elec-
tronic device for diabetic patients, which is placed under the skin and
continuously measures glucose levels in the blood. In this way, the unit
will supply the insulin that the patient needs. He stressed that the sale of
these patentswill allow the hospital to getmore resources tofinance other
projects already in theworks.
Dr. FranciscoNavarro, who is pulmonologist and endoscopy of the respi-
ratory system, said his goal is that the GHM becomes a premier institu-
tion, continue to work at the forefront in caring for human life and be a
reference for other institutions linked to health issues.
He also stressed the concept ofHospital Pharmacy, launched since hewas
themedical director; today has becomeanational level project inallmat-
ters relating to the development, management and distribution of drugs
within the hospital. He explained that this is not a pharmacy that sells
drugs to thepublic, but one that administers all the internalmanagement
of the hospital’s pharmacy.
Being that innovation is apermanent challenge for theGHM, its general
director mentioned that another project he has inmind is to obtain the
certificate granted by the General Health Council which will credit the
hospital as a “Safe Hospital”. This concept, he said, is aWorld Health
Organization (WHO)andPanAmericanHealthOrganization (PAHO)
project, which allows a hospital to continue working after an emergency
ornatural disaster in the cityornearbyareas, for example, afteran earth-
quake, a flood, and a fire. "This gives the possibility to those injured dur-
ing the incident and that can not be treated in other hospitals, because
they have been affected by the disaster, to receive the proper attention in
the “SafeHospital”.
He explained that part of this project was launched at the time when
the H1N1 influenza epidemic occurred inMexico last year. "The goal
is to expand theGHM’s capacity to be able towelcome patients receiv-
ing intensive care, in addition to the 58 beds we have today, to be
able to care for an additional 100 patients in this area, something
that would give us a very important capacity receive seriously ill
patients”. The doctor added that today, in case of an emergency,
All the diplomatic staff of the Embassy
of NorthKorea is treated in theGeneral
Hospital ofMexico
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