Protocolo 37 - page 34

Carolina Silva de Navarro, quien se desem-
peña en el puesto desde marzo de 2009,
aseguróque suprofesión y experiencia labo-
ral le han dado las herramientas necesarias
para poder llevar en orden todo lo referente
a los donativos que se obtienen a través
del Voluntariado.
“Considerodemucha importanciael tener las
‘cuentas claras’, mantener todobien ordena-
do para continuar recibiendo donativos de
manera legal, amparados con la expedición
de recibos fiscales.” Y recalcó el hecho de
que en la oficina que preside no se recibe ni
un solo peso. “Todos los donativos en efecti-
vo sehacena travésde lacuentadecheques
del Voluntariado.”
Carolina, quien es esposa del director gene-
ral del hospital, recordó con gran orgullo y
reconoció la labor de sus antecesoras: Mari-
carmen Nava de Marchanind, Laura Domene
de Ramírez Arias—de quien destacó su gran
aportación por la constitución y fundamento
legal que dio al Voluntariado—, así como su
predecesora, la doctoraHidalgo.
Afirmó que en la actualidad el Voluntariado
está conformado por 45 señoras. “Cuando
yo inicié mi labor al frente del mismo, tenía-
mos diez voluntarias, mismas que a la fecha
permanecen, lo cual ha sidomuy satisfactorio
paramí, ademásdel hechodequeahoracon-
tamos conmás gente.”
Carolina, quien es sobreviviente de un
trasplante de riñón efectuado hace 14 años
cuando sus hijas estaban recién nacidas,
afirmó que “aprender a acompañar a
los pacientes no es cualquier cosa”.
Empeñada en brindar un servicio de
calidez y excelencia a los pacientes del
Hospital General de México, estableció
la obligación de tomar un curso de
capacitaciónpara toda lagentequequiera
formar parte del Voluntariado. “Llegar con
un uniforme de señora bonita no es ser
voluntario. Ser voluntario es mucho más
que eso, hay que saber acompañar a la
gente, estar con ellos en losmomentos que
nos necesitan, no opinar, sólo escucharlos y
atender sus necesidades.”
Indicóque sumayor objetivoal terminar laac-
tual gestión es construir un albergue dentro
del Hospital General de México. “Sabemos
que hay muchos familiares de pacientes que
en las noches se quedan acostados sobre un
cartón junto a su familiar para estar al pen-
diente de ellos. Y aunque contamos con el
apoyo de albergues cercanos al hospital, la
gente necesita estar más cerca por cualquier
emergencia.Deahí queexiste lanecesidadde
quecontemosconunalbergue, noes fácil ad-
ministrarlo, peroen lamedidaquenosconsoli-
demos tendremos la posibilidadde lograrlo.”
Carolina SilvaNavarro, who serves in this position sinceMarch 2009,
saidher professionand job experience has givenher the necessary tools to
carry out inan orderlymanner everything regarding donations obtained
through the Volunteering.
"I consider it is very important to have ‘clear accounts’, to keep every-
thing well organized to continue receiving legal donations, backed with
the issuance of tax receipts." And emphasized that the office she presides
does not receive any money for the work done. "All cash donations are
made through the checking account of the Volunteering."
Carolina, who is the wife of the hospital’s general director, recalled and
recognizing with great pride the work of their predecessors:Maricarmen
MarchanindNava, LauraArias-RamirezDomene -of whom she stressed
her contribution to the constitution and legal foundation to the Volun-
teers-, as well as her predecessor, Dra. Hidalgo.
She said that currently the Volunteer’s group is made up of 45 ladies.
"When I started my work with this group, we had ten volunteers who
remain with us to this day, something that has been a great satisfaction
forme besides the fact that nowwe havemore people."
Carolina, who is a survivor of a kidney transplant performed 14 years
ago when her daughters were born, said that "learning to keep company
to patients is not easy.” Committed to providing a warm and excellent
service to all patients in the General Hospital of Mexico, she established
the obligation to take a training course for everyonewhowants to be part
of the Volunteer group. "Walking in with a pretty lady’s uniform is not
volunteering. Volunteering is muchmore than that, we must know how
to accompany people, be with them at times whenwe are needed; never
give our opinions but just listen and address their needs. "
She said her biggest goal at the end of the current administration is to
build a shelter in the General Hospital of Mexico. "We know there are
many relatives of patients who stay at night lying on a cardboard next to
their relatives to be aware of them. Andwhilewe have the support of hos-
tels near the hospital, people need to be closer for any emergency. Hence,
there isaneed thatwehavea shelter, itwon’t be easy toadminister, but as
we consolidate it I am surewewill be able to achieve this goal”.
Buying a mastograph is also one of the Volunteer’s priorities. It costs
four million 390 thousand pesos. "We are talking of edge technology
and its benefits which consists in that peoplewho havemedical studies
madewith this equipment receive considerably less radiation thatwith
other mastographers, plus the fact that this new technology is more
precise and allows it to bemore efficient time wise. The importance of
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